Sunday 20 January 2013

The Truth.

I pleaded with him but he stared right through me. "Mum, speak some sense to him." I begged my mother.
"Oh, you're both my children! How can I side with either one of you? Danny, don't ask me to do that," mum replied.
"Besides, he's old enough to think through the consequences," mum added on.
I shook my head in exasperation. I knew it was useless to persuade Calvine to my point of view. After all, we were twins and like two peas in a pod. I understood how stubborn he could be as I was exactly liike him. However, it was extremely upset to see him wasting his whole life on a woman who was old enough to be his mother! Why did she have to talk Calvine into going with her? Even with all his expenses paid for, Calvine had only another eight months to finish his degree. The dean had mentioned that he could not postpone his schedule indefinitely. Furthermore, Calvine's reputation was at stake. People were sure talk about his latest escapade and the family would hear no end to him being a "kept man".
"Danny, I really need to this to her. Her sons are all selfish and refuse to burst their bubble of comfort to do this with her. I assure you that there is nothing fishy going on between us. She is like a mother to me, no offence to you, mummy," Calvine tried to reason with me.
"But why? Couldn't she postpone the trip until you graduated?" I insisted.
"I can't explain why, not now, maybe in the future." he replied.
I stared at him and tried to read his thoughts. It was not as easy as before. Age had put a barrier on our respective minds. Our different experiences had made it difficult for us to stand in each other's shoes. So, that was how it ended. That was five months ago.
Now, as I stand alongside my brother, I finally understood his insistence and Mrs Tan's haste. He laid a single stem of rose on her coffin, as I barely contained myself with grief, not only for Mrs Tan who had suffered from a rare form of leukemia but also for Calvine, who was so noble and who was hurting. We moved away from the graveyard. I put my hand around his shoulder to tell him that I understood. He looked into my eyes and he understood.
MapleStory Finger PointLucky Charms Rainbow