Friday 8 March 2013

What if.

Sometimes, I just sit at the side, watching everyone's movement silently. Then I start to think what if this, what if that, what if "if", what will happen if......These kind of questions.

Now I am sitting in the hall. After the presentation of a new hotel design, everyone discuss about the hotel and it seems like everyone is very interested in it. Suddenly, a lady walks towards me. She greets me and we start our conversation. We talk a lot of things. Career, family, friends, life issues and other else. After that, we go home.
Before leaving...
"Oh, I am Geva, by the way. Nice to meet you." She says before giving a friendly smile and leave.
"I am Ralph. Nice too meet you too." I reply her.
All of a sudden, I have an abnormal feeling. A feeling that I never have before.
"Am I falling in love? Geva is so pretty especially when she is smiling. Oh man... I can feel the love surrounding me, I can smell the sweetness in the air, the aromatic smell of the flowers." I stand in the middle of the hall and looking like a satyr.
Then, I back to "normal" and go to do my own things. Since that day, I ask Geva out everyday. She agree to go out with me too. Soon, we go shopping, eating, playing, exercising and we even travel to other countries together. Just like lovers, a pair of lovebirds but we are not. However, we attract to each other.
One day, I decide to propose to Geva. That night, Geva and I go to visit a funfair. Everything goes well as I planned. To my surprise, the sky looks like want to lend me a hand too. Raining! At this time, Geva and I are in the top cabin of the ferris wheel and the cabin does not has a roof.
"It's raining, Ralph. I forgot to bring an umbrella." Geva says.
"It's okay. This is better!"
"What? Better?" Geva asks me curiously.
"Geva, I LOVE YOU! WILL YOU MARRY ME?" I propose to her with a diamond ring and shout as loud as I can in the rain.
Geva is shocked. She quiet for a while.
I am so nervous this time as I think I am going to fail.
"Yes, Ralph! Of course YES!" Geva "cries" happily.
I am ecstatic. I stand up and hug Geva with an indescribable happy feeling. Consequently, I kiss her, in the rain~
After that, we marry and live happily ever after.

I regain consciousness and I still in the hall.
"Stop right there, Ralph. Come on! Seriously, a diamond ring?(laugh) How are you going to buy a diamond ring with your little income? Ralph, stop thinking "what if" and pay attention to the speaker. It's your turn next." I soliloquize.
That is just my "what if".

MapleStory Finger PointLucky Charms Rainbow