Sunday, 30 December 2012

10 Ways to Love.

10 ways to love:
 Listen, Speak, Give, Pray, Answer, Share, Enjoy, Trust, Forgive, Promise.

-Will Smith

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Love Too Deep (1)

A boy saw a girl when he was 12 years old. The girl was cute. That's was the first time they met each other. Then, nothing else happened for the following years.
When he was fifteen years old in his secondary school, he met the girl again during a public exam briefing. After the briefing end, the students queued up to go back to their class. At that time, the girl saw the boy and gave him a friendly smile. He saw her but he turned his sight to another place too fast that he missed the greeting. That was the second time they met.
The story began after they met each other the third time. when they were sixteen years old. They were in the same class that year. The boy sat in front and the girl took her seat at the back of the class. The boy was surprised to see the girl.
Until one day, the class was so noisy that their teacher decided to change their seat. Very luckily, the boy was changed to the front seat of the girl. The first thing that the girl said to the boy was,"Do you know that you're very tall?" She said it in a humor way. The boy was quiet.
Since that day, the boy's life changed. He started to talk to the girl. They were happy when they talked to each other. Smile was the only thing that other could see on their face. Everything went smoothly.
However, everything turned upside down the following years. The boy was falling in love with the girl. The girl gave the boy a chance. At first, the girl was exciting but she found that the boy was different when she knew him deeper. The girl was more mature than the boy and the boy was very childish. The boy made many mistake but he would always apologize to the girl. She would just forgive him. One day, he asked the girl a question but in a wrong way. The girl misunderstood and changed her view towards the boy. Then, she started to ignore the boy sometimes and she treated him indifferently. But, the boy didn't have a chance to explain to the girl that he asked the question wrongly.
Now, the boy was scared to loss the girl. The only thing he could do now was wait and pray.
Why does he want to wait for her? Why does he still care for her even she treats him with unconcerned? Well, the reason is simple-He loves her deeply.
Will the girl give a chance to the boy again? Will he have the opportunity to explain his mistakenly asked question to her? Will they meet each other again? Will they be together in the future? Will they "love too deep"?

To be continued。。。

Tuesday, 25 December 2012




Sorry, I do not mean anything....................... Really!
Just want to be nice..............
It's okay, I know.................
I'm sorry TT

Monday, 24 December 2012


  • 离别,这应该是多数人最不喜欢的感觉。
  • 离别有分为友情,爱情,亲情等。
  • 爱情的离别是不是最痛苦的呢?
  • 曾经有人告诉我爱情的离别比死还要痛苦...(好像太夸张了==)
  • 那么,两只爱鸟(Lovebirds<<直接翻译 哈哈)在离别时也是一件让双方都依依不舍的事情。
  • 爱的离别也分为暂时和永久的。。。
  • 暂时的分离就像在考验着双方对彼此之间的爱,一旦在重逢的时候,他们之间的感情就会变得更加坚固。
  • 永久的分离呢,可以说成“疯”离吧 -.- 因为真的会让人疯去。。。
  • 尤其是年轻人,尤其是中学刚毕业的,如果在谈着恋爱很顺利的,那么上帝祝福你们,你们可以继续,但无论是男是女,尤其是男孩子,千万不要忘了自己的事业。。。
  • 那么正在面临“疯”离的男/女呢,你们一定要坚强,你们必须记住在天上还有一位温柔慈祥的上帝爱着你们。阿门!
  • 真的很烦恼,心里充满恐惧与害怕,胡思乱想,那么你不妨考虑到教堂去参加崇拜,甚至也可以和牧师聊一聊。
  • 话说:“女孩子可以为很多事情哭泣,但是男孩子只会为他真正爱的女孩哭泣。” (or vice versa o.o????)
  • 无论如何都不可以离开我们那位可爱的上帝哦~~~~
  • 既然离开了(男女之间),那么到底要不要继续等呢?

Wednesday, 19 December 2012


Sometimes, your bf/gf will ask you,"Why do you love me? What makes you love me so much? What is love?" Then, most of us remain silence at first. Later on, we will ponder to spit out some words. Some of us may give a thoughtful answer, some of us may not. However, sometimes, it is true that we love our other half without any reasons. We just don't know why we love them so much. We can't give a reasonable reason but we just love them.
Love, it's just that simple. We are willing to do anything for the one we love, even we hate that thing so much. "Is it worth to do so?" Well, it depends on one's circumstance. There is always a problem that teenagers face nowadays. "I am doing everything for her/him. But, in the end I still alone.","I have done everything for her/him. However, she/he keeps ignoring me. What do I need to do?". If the one you love keeps ignoring you, then it's time for you to make a choice. Either you continue to pursuit her/him or you leave her/him and find someone else to replace the former. If you determine to pursuit the one you love, then go on because no one can stop you. As they say,"Love is freedom." Don't stop and if you are a Christian, always remember this >> P.U.S.H.
Remember, the one you love is a limited edition. There is no other copies of her/him. So, if you are in love, make it the best in your life as life has no reverse!! 

Friday, 14 December 2012



Tuesday, 11 December 2012




Monday, 10 December 2012

不要这样 T.T

你好像一直躲避我。。。一直。。。一直。。。一直躲避我。 我把你当成其中一个最关心的朋友,但你好像不需要我的关心ei。。。那怎样才好呢?????????????

Sunday, 9 December 2012



Kiss Goodbye

Kiss Kiss #(^.^)#

爱情小故事 2


爱情小故事 1

男孩婚后对自己的妻子比婚前更好。一次聚会朋友笑他:“怎么结婚了还那么腻…?”他讪讪地笑着说:“结婚前很多男生都想追她,很多男生会对她好,我只有对 她更好才能追到她;结婚后对她好的男生越来越少,我只有对她更好才能不让她失落。”我所做的就是想让她幸福。说完,在场的朋友都沉默了。

Saturday, 8 December 2012


想跟你好好的聊但你又一半半的不理人...为什么要这样子?忙的话就讲下咯==你懂那种一直失望的感觉吗?如果人家这样对你,你会很高兴啦, 是不是?你觉得一直ignore很爽吗?如果有一天不能忍的时候,那该怎么办?每次问你东西都讲不懂不懂, 那我要怎样继续跟你聊呢?“不懂”只是暂时的逃避, 你不可能永远都这样子....很失望。

Friday, 7 December 2012

Thursday, 6 December 2012


我跟你之间算是重新来过吗?可是在现实世界跟手机世界的你是两个人唉。。。那我要继续跟你在手机的世界里度过??还是你哪一天想通了,要和你的朋友们一起出去玩呢??我会等你哦 =D

Wednesday, 5 December 2012


你还要把自己封闭到什么时候?你这样下去,那未来怎么成功?!想认识你又很难,约你出来玩你又不要,问你有没有朋友,你每次都说没有==  那我应该做什么你才不会不理我呢?我之前确实是有说过对不起你的话,但我都知道错了,你也原谅我了,为什么要这么冷淡的对朋友呢?你可以像以往一样快快乐乐的和我聊天吗?我真的不想失去你啊!!
MapleStory Finger PointLucky Charms Rainbow